Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameSarah COHEN
Notes for Sarah COHEN
There is a family tree on (Wangenham family) which shows Sarah Cohen, daughter of Henry Heinz, giving her date of birth as "about 1814". This tree also has her married to Henry (Aaron) Solomon, whose dates match those of Aaron Solomon whose second wife was a Sarah Cohen.
A family tree on Jewish Gen shows Sarah Cohen as Aaron Solomon's second wife, giving an estimated date of birth as "about 1806". Aaron's first wife was Jane (Gita) Simmons. She died in, or shortly after, giving birth to their only child, Barnet who changed his surname to Salmon, married Lena Gluckstein and with her family founded the Lyons Corner House catering business.  The Jewish Gen tree suggests Sarah's father as Mr Moses Cohen.
There is clearly a link between my husband's Solomon family and people named Simmons as not only did Aaron marry Jane Simmons, his parents, Asher and Rebecca Solomon who were hat makers, had an apprentice named Mary Ann Simons in 1808.868
Last Modified 15 Aug 2013Created 21 Mar 2024 by Jim Falk